We are Gary and Alison, a marine chemist and a teacher, both with over 30 years of experience in these fields. Faith-filled people, lifelong learners, and travelers at heart, Gary grew up in Zimbabwe and met Alison when his family moved to South Africa in the 1980s. We got married, and a few years later, our daughter and son arrived.

We have always loved all things wild – mountains, oceans, rivers, animals. Firmly believing that we needed to explore and show our own beautiful country, South Africa, to our two children first before setting off around the globe, that is what we did.


Our Parsons Pursuits blog emerged at the end of 2022 as we realised that we had new dreams and new adventures to embark on. So, we dared to start this new journey. September 2023 saw us move to the United Kingdom – it all happened so quickly, it even took us by surprise!

We both still work full-time, but we are taking one little step at a time, and who knows where it will take us.