Inspiring Lessons From The Road: #1 Plan, Focus, Improvise


As I’ve been reminiscing about our family road trips over the past 29 years, I’ve been mulling over some thoughts and some lessons we have learnt along the way. It got me thinking, why not put it down in writing and share it with you all? So here I am, breaking it all down into a few posts for you to read and take what resonates with you. Don’t worry about what doesn’t; just enjoy the journey with me.

Stage 1: The Plan

There’s something truly exhilarating about planning a trip – from deciding on the destination to researching accommodation options and potential activities. It’s a great way to get excited about the adventure that lies ahead and to start picturing all the amazing experiences we’re going to have.

The Destination

First, months ahead of time, we have to decide on a final destination. It’s a breeze if we’re just visiting our family in Prince Albert in the Karoo since my sister has a self-catering cottage we can stay at. But when we’re considering other places, the debates start, and we can spend ages trying to come to a decision on where we want to end up. We are all a part of the decision-making.

Whether we’re embarking on a family trip or pursuing a personal goal, it’s essential to have a clear destination in mind and a plan for getting there. Weigh up your options, and chat with others around you. Don’t try and make important life-changing decisions on your own. Pray. Seek advice from others who have been in similar situations.

By taking the time to carefully consider our options and work together as a team, we can increase our chances of success and create meaningful memories that will last a lifetime.

The Route

After we’ve finally settled on our destination, the next step is figuring out how long we want to take to get there and how many pit stops we want to make along the way. We whip out the maps and start scouring for accommodation options. Of course, things don’t always go as planned – sometimes, our plans have to change based on availability and our budget.

But there are always unexpected surprises and disappointments, too. We might stumble upon some places that we never even considered before. And as we start to finalize our plans, the excitement begins to bubble up inside us.

Be flexible and adaptable. No matter how carefully we plan, there will always be unexpected twists and turns along the way. Whether we’re travelling, pursuing a career, or simply navigating the ups and downs of life, it’s essential to remain open to new opportunities and be willing to change our plans when necessary. These can often lead to new experiences and valuable lessons.

The Night Before

Packing lessons

The night before we hit the road, we pack and we always plan where we’ll stop for a bite to eat, swap driving duties, or simply take a break if it’s going to be a long drive. We’ve learned over the years that sharing the driving load is key to staying focused and energized during the journey. Usually, we’ll take turns driving in stretches of two to three hours at a time before taking a break to rest and recharge. It’s all about finding what works best for us and making sure we stay safe and comfortable on the road.

It’s so important to take care of ourselves and those around us. Whether we’re on a road trip or simply going about our daily lives, it’s crucial to prioritize our physical and mental well-being. This might mean taking breaks when we need to rest or recharge or finding ways to share the load so that we don’t become overwhelmed. By taking care of ourselves and our loved ones, we can stay focused, alert, and ready to tackle whatever challenges come our way. And when we do encounter obstacles or setbacks, we’ll be better equipped to face them with resilience and grace.

We can and should make plans. We must focus on our goals and life destinations. At times we need to improvise when our plans don’t go the way we want them to.

Road trips are full of life lessons, but most of all, they’re there to be enjoyed.