Inspiring Lessons From The Road: #4 Embrace New Experiences

Valley of Desolation - new experiences.

Picture this: on a long road trip, you decide to take a different route home. And in that simple act of veering from the familiar, you stumble upon a hidden gem—a place you never knew existed, with its own unique wonders, and new experiences, waiting to be explored. It’s in these moments of stepping into uncharted territory that we find the sheer joy of trying something new and the profound pleasure of discovering the extraordinary in the most unexpected places. 

The Usual Trip Home

We usually take one of two well-traveled routes home from Prince Albert: Up the N1 and through the Free State or up the N2 all the way home along the coast. There’s nothing wrong with either of these routes- they pass through beautiful countryside, and we enjoy the trip and the places where we stop to have a rest from driving.

However, one particular year we decided to take a different route. It looked like it would take us longer to get to our stopover for the night, but we decided we wanted to try something new. 

So we headed inland, past Willowmore, Aberdeen, and on towards Graaff-Reinet. It was indeed a long way, and at one point, we debated whether to continue or just find our way back to the familiar road. But then we came upon the town, and the adventure began. 

A New Route, New Experiences

If you’ve ever been to Graaff-Reinet, you will know that it is the oldest town in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa and is in the most beautiful location: at the foot of the Sneeuberge or Snow Mountains, along the Sundays River on the plains of the Camdeboo.

As we drove in from the south, looking for a place to stop for lunch, we realized instantly that this part of the trip was going to be something special. Graaff-Reinet is a town that takes pride in its architectural heritage. The refined Cape Dutch buildings, elegant Georgian structures, ornate Victorian designs, and charming Edwardian touches were all rather lovely, as well as the distinctive Karoo-style square-shaped cottages with their flat roofs. These cottages, often the oldest residences, added a touch of character to the streetscape. 

We whipped out our phones and proceeded to do some research. We discovered that the town proudly holds the title of having the highest number of national monuments in South Africa, surpassing all other towns with over 220 extraordinary treasures.

The steeple on the Dutch Reformed Church is so tall we had to take a photograph of it from afar to fit it all in!

But, Graaff-Reinet’s crown jewel, undoubtedly, is the awe-inspiring Dutch Reformed Church that takes center stage in the heart of the town. You can’t miss it—it proudly stands at the northern end of Kerkstraat (or Church Street, as the locals call it), welcoming us as we drove in. The church, built in 1896,  commands its own square, surrounded by the bustling roundabout at the end of Church Street and Caledon Street, which serves as Graaff-Reinet’s main commercial road. 

We loved immersing ourselves in this historic little town and thought the detour was worthwhile.

Valley of Desolation

But, the cherry on top was an unforgettable drive out of town into the Camdeboo National Park. We ventured upwards, climbing higher and higher until we reached the top—the breathtaking Valley of Desolation. And believe us when we tell you, the view from up there was absolutely mind-blowing.

Looking down over Graaff-Reinet
Looking down over Graaff-Reinet

As we stood on that vantage point, we found ourselves looking down over the town of Graaff-Reinet, lying below us like a miniature village. The plains of Camdeboo lay before us, extending as far as the eye could see. It was a sight that took our breath away—a vast and awe-inspiring landscape stretching into the horizon.

The best part? It was completely unexpected. We had no idea what awaited us as we embarked on our drive, but the moment we laid eyes on the Valley of Desolation, we knew we had stumbled upon an extraordinary part of the country. It was one of those rare, serendipitous moments that stay etched in your memory forever. 

We remained there as long as we could and then continued on the road to our stopover for the night en route home.

What We Learnt

Our journey to the Valley of Desolation in the Camdeboo National Park perfectly illustrated how we should seek out and embrace new experiences. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, an unexpected detour that led us to an unforgettable adventure. We could have easily stuck to our original plans, following the familiar route back home. But instead, we allowed ourselves to deviate from the norm, to veer off the beaten path and explore something unknown.

This detour opened our eyes to a whole new world—a stunning landscape that took our breath away. It reminded us of the immense beauty that lies beyond our comfort zones. By being open to trying something new, we were rewarded with a breathtaking view, an experience that will forever be etched in our memories.

Valley of Desolation a new discovery.
Photographs can’t do this beautiful place justice: The Valley of Desolation, looking out over the Camdeboo National Park

The Valley of Desolation taught us the importance of embracing spontaneity and being open to unexpected opportunities. It reminded us that life is full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered if we dare to venture off the well-trodden path. It’s easy to become complacent, sticking to our routines and familiar territories. But when we break free from the familiar and take that leap of faith into uncharted territory, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities.

So, let the drive to the Valley of Desolation remind us all to always be curious, to be willing to deviate from our plans, and embrace new experiences with open arms. For it is through these moments of exploration and discovery that we grow, that we expand our horizons, and that we uncover the true beauty and richness of life.